OVAM and Flanders Circular invites partnerships of local authorities, enterprises, research institutions and organisations to submit experimentation, demonstration and dissemination projects that make a substantial contribution to the prevention of food loss and/or valorise food residue streams into food or feed.
What is the purpose of the grant?
The objective of this call is to close new chain collaborations and cycles outside existing collaborations, to focus on minimum input for maximum output, … with the aim of working across companies and sectors, as well as across links within product chains.
Who can submit an application?
The call is aimed at partnerships of local authorities, (social) enterprises, research institutions, non-profit organisations that want to develop a project around the theme of circular food chain and that is in line with the action plan of the circular food chain working agenda.
How much funding is there?
Flanders Circular (OVAM) subsidises up to 80% of a project, with a maximum of 100,000 euros. For larger projects, you can make a partial budget for the piece you want to be subsidised.
Which costs are eligible?
This call focuses on real-world projects; concrete, measurable and visible actions, which can make a difference at the level of value chains and ecosystems. The criteria are:
Projects whose main objective is fundamental research or exclusionary investment applications will be excluded.
Approved projects must start before 31 December 2022 and may last up to 24 months. The funded project may be part of a wider project, which runs for longer.
Which projects are eligible?
To reduce the risk of water scarcity, the investment project focuses on water saving measures, the use of alternative water sources and circular water use to reduce the use of and dependence on primary water sources (groundwater, surface water and drinking water).
How do I apply for funding and what are the deadlines?
You can submit a grant application using this form.
DEADLINE: an application can be submitted until 14 November 2022.
FI Group has 20 years of experience and wants to support you in understanding and intercepting the available R&D+I opportunities. Our experts are at your disposal to analyse your project and to take the next steps together with you.