Is your company eligible for the newly approved energy aid? Find out how companies with operating losses can qualify for aid if electricity and gas costs more than double in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to 2021. Note that only the part above the doubling of energy costs is eligible for support.
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The purpose of the aid is to compensate Flemish companies experiencing an operational loss in the fourth quarter of 2022 due to high expenditure on electricity and gas.
In addition, increased aid is also foreseen for energy-intensive companies and energy-intensive companies operating in specifically affected sectors. Energy-intensive companies that experienced losses in the fourth quarter of 2022 in their Flemish industries – and therefore not at company level – can also receive this aid.
Any healthy company with at least EUR 7,500 (excl. VAT) in expenditure on electricity and gas in its Flemish branches in 2021 and with an operating loss in the fourth quarter 2022 is eligible.
For companies belonging to category b or c, the additional cost should be at least 50% of the fourth quarter 2022 operating loss.
The Flemish government provides a budgetary envelope of 125 million euros for this support period. The Flemish government will decide in early 2023 on the continuation of support in subsequent quarters.
3 aid categories are distinguished:
25% on the additional cost of the fourth quarter 2022, limited to 80% of the operational loss of that quarter and up to a maximum of 500,000 euro. Self-employed persons (sole traders) always belong to this category.
30% on the additional cost of the fourth quarter 2022, limited to 80% of their operating loss of that quarter and up to a maximum of EUR 4,000,000.
35% on the additional cost of the fourth quarter 2022, limited to 80% of their operating loss of that quarter and up to a maximum of EUR 7,500,000.
These aid ceilings apply at company and group level. For industries, the maximum support is limited to 75% of the support ceilings at company and group level
How do I apply for funding and what are the deadlines?
Contact one of our expert consultants who can further support you in analysing, preparing and submitting your application.
FI Group has 20 years of experience and wants to support you in understanding and exploiting the available R&D+I opportunities. Our experts are at your disposal to analyse your project. Together, we will take the next steps in your innovative (project) growth.