Looking for support for sustainable productive investments on Flemish farms? This measure invests in farms to make them more future-proof and resilient so they can, among other things, respond to new government requirements and better meet current social expectations.
FI Group will help you with a clear project plan to make your ideas succeed and support you with a strategy to secure the necessary funding.
Thanks to a wide range of possible aid rates, this support measure should encourage farmers in Flanders to make the most sustainable choice.
Agricultural companies that meet the definition of active farmer and have an earning capacity (factor income) of at least €20,000. In the case of a legal entity, all directors and managers are natural persons.
Groups of farmers, defined as a legal entity, where all member-farms meet the definition of active farmer and of which at least half (and at least three) have an earning capacity of €20,000.
The scope of support is:
Contact one of our expert consultants who can further support you in analysing, preparing and submitting your application.
FI Group has 20 years of experience and wants to support you in understanding and exploiting the available R&D+I opportunities. Our experts are at your disposal to analyse your project. Together we will take the next steps in your innovative (project) growth.