4 April 2024

The European Commission launched the 2024 calls for proposal under the LIFE Programme on 18 April 2024. With two more weeks, FI Group will keep you updated on what to expect from the calls and how best to prepare!

Categorisation and anticipated submission deadlines 

The LIFE Call 2024, as in previous years, is categorised into different types of grants.  

Standard Action Projects (SAPs) 

Some of the calls that are scheduled to open will provide funding to Standard Action Projects (SAPs) that pursue specific objectives of the LIFE Programme. These are traditional projects and are usually divided into different thematic areas depending on the subprograms. In a nutshell: these are projects, other than strategic integrated projects, strategic nature projects or technical assistance projects, that pursue the specific objectives of the LIFE programme. 

  • With an expected funding rate of maximum 60% 

Strategic Nature Projects (SNAPs) 

Furthermore, Strategic Nature Projects (or SNAPs) are projects that will support the achievement of Union nature and biodiversity objectives by implementing coherent programmes of action in Members States in order to mainstream those objectives and priorities into other policies and financing instruments, including through coordinated implementation of the prioritised action frameworks adopted pursuant to Directive 92/43/EEC. 

  • With an expected funding rate of maximum 60% 

Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) 

When it comes to projects that implement environmental or climate strategies or action plans developed by Member States’ authorities and required by specific environmental, climate or relevant energy legislation or policy of the Union, on a regional, multi)regional, national or translational level, fit into the Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs). These projects ensure that stakeholders are involved and promoting coordination with and mobilisation of at least one other Union, national or private funding source. 

  • With an expected funding rate of maximum 60% 

Technical Assistance Projects (TAs) 

Technical Assistance Projects (TAs) are projects to promote capacity building for the participation in strategic projects, both SNAPs and SIPs, as well as for the preparation for access to other financial instruments of the Union or other measures necessary for preparing the upscaling or replication of results from other projects funded by the LIFE programme. 

  • With an expected funding rate of maximum 60% 

Other Action Grants (OAGs) 

Actions needed for the purpose of achieving the general objective of the LIFE programme, including coordination and support actions aimed at capacity-building, at dissemination of information and of knowledge, and at awareness-raising to support the transition to renewable energy and increased energy efficiency. 

  • With an expected funding rate of maximum 95% 

Operating Grants (OGs) 

Grants that support the functioning of non-profit entities which are involved in the development, implementation and enforcement of Union legislation and policy, and which are primarily active in the area of the environment or climate action, including energy transition, in line with the objectives of the LIFE programme. 

  • With an expected funding rate of maximum 70% 

An overview of the anticipated deadlines 

Standard Action Projects (SAPs) for circular economy and quality of life 19 September 2024 
Standard Action Projects (SAPs) for nature and biodiversity 19 September 2024 
Standard Action Projects (SAPs) for climate change mitigation and adaptation 17 September 2024 
Coordination and Support Action Grants (CSA) for clean energy transition sub-programme 19 September 2024 
Strategic Integrated Projects (SNAPs/SIPs) – concept notes  5 September 2024 
Strategic Integrated Projects (SNAPs/SIPs) – full proposals 6 March 2025 
Technical Assistance preparation for SIPs and SNAP 19 September 2024 
Technical Assistance Replication 19 September 2024 
Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA OG) 19 September 2024 
Specific Operating Grant Agreements (SGA OG) 17 September 2024 
LIFE Preparatory Projects (addressing ad hoc Legislative and Policy Priorities – PLP) 19 September 2024 

Want to know more about the previous LIFE calls from 2023? Have a look here and learn more about the budget, categorisation and performance! 

FI Group has 20 years of experience and wants to accompany you on the new growth path. Our experts are at your disposal to analyse how your project fits into the funding calls available and to take the next steps together with you.  

Yvette Poumpalova 

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