A sector with major challenges
This sector is marked by the extremely long duration of its development projects. An average of fifteen years of research is necessary in the development of a new drug, for example. Development costs, therefore, continue to increase while returns on investment are not guaranteed. As a result, the economic environment remains even more volatile and unpredictable, and new trends are becoming ever more rapid. Additionally, society’s high expectations put additional pressure on those in the industry in terms of expectations for reductions in the disparity of access to care, longer life expectancies, new treatments, etc.
At the same time, the biotechnology industries are composed of very different and complementary elements: start-ups, SMEs and/or large groups developing diagnostics, bioinformatics, therapeutics and new medical device solutions. As such, their needs are quite different.
In this sector where research is so pervasive, the implementation of an R&D strategy with adequate funding remains critical. Our experts, engineers and PhDs are here to support you during these stages of innovation management and financing for the implementation of an increasingly innovative approach.